Split Airport, SPU (LDSP), is a Schedules Facilitated Airport (00:01h - 24:00 h ) for the summer season from 31 MAR 24 until 23 OCT 24.
All scheduled air traffic, charter flights, general aviation/business aviation, VIP flights, Air Ambulance, Humanitarian and Military flights are subject to schedule facilitation made by Traffic Coordinator or Ground OPS Centre.
Air Ambulance with NACA V and VI patient may be exempt from schedule facilitation. NACA category must be incuded in request.
An scheduled air traffic and charter flight operators must request for arrival and/or departure time/s in IATA SMA (Schedule Movement Advice message) format.
General aviation and business aviation operators must agree arrival and/or departure time/s. Request shall be submitted not earlier than 14 days before scheduled time of arrival and shall comprise the following information:
- Date of flight
- Aircraft registration
- Aircraft indentification (call sign)
- Type of aircraft
- Type of flight
- Estimate time of arrival and/or departure
- Aerodrome of departure and destination
Aircraft stopover of more than 40 minutes is subject to parking stand availability and shall be confirmed by Traffic Coordinator or Ground OPS Centre.
Filing a flight plan is not considered as request for schedule facilitation or parking request.
Aircraft without agreed arrival/departure times and parking could be refused landing clearance except in emergency.
Any modification shall be made by sending new request.
Cancelation shall be immediately notified.
Traffic Coordinator
Split Airport
Tel: (+385 21) 203503
Fax: (+385 21) 203413
E-mail: schedules@split-airport.hr
Ground OPS Centre (H24)
Split Airport
Tel: (+385 21) 203353
Fax: (+385 21) 203413
E-mail: ground.ops@split-airport.hr