zracna-luka-split-airport home


Split Airport is located at the very exit from the town of Kastela, towards Trogir. It is at 20 km distance from Split, and at 6 km from Trogir.

Direct Shuttle Bus Line to/from Split - buy a ticket
Information: www.plesoprijevoz.hr


Public Transport
Close to Split Airport there is a bus stop of lines No. 37 (Split – Trogir; Trogir – Split), No. 38 (Split Airport – Kastel Stari – Split; Split – Kastel Stari – Split Airport) and No.2 (Split Airport – Kastel Sucurac – Split; Split – Kastel Sucurac– Split Airport).
Information: www.promet-split.hr


Taxi is available during Split Airport operating hours.
Telephone: ++385 (0)21 895 237




duty free

SPLIT AIRPORT ltd. • Cesta dr. Franje Tuđmana 1270 • 21217 Kaštel Štafilić • CROATIA • Tel: ++385 (0)21 203 589