zracna-luka-split-airport home

Zračna luka Split d.o.o.

Split Airport Ltd.

Address Cesta dr. Franje Tuđmana 1270,

21217  Kaštel  Štafilić, Croatia

Telephone ++ 385 (0)21 203 589
Fax ++ 385 (0)21 203 422
Telex 26150 AERST RH
Bank 1 OTP banka d.d., Ulica Domovinskog rata 61, Split
IBAN HR90 2407 0001 1000 0898 8
Bank 2 ZAGREBAČKA BANKA d.d., Trg bana Josipa Jelačića 10, Zagreb
IBAN HR78 2360 0001 1012 8982 4
Bank 3 PARTNER BANKA d.d., Vončinina 2, Zagreb
IBAN HR40 2408 0021 1000 1549 8
Bank 4 HRVATSKA POŠTANSKA BANKA, d.d., Jurišićeva 4, Zagreb
IBAN HR69 2390 0011 1009 1477 6
Enlisted in Split Commercial Court Register, registration number 060147189
CIN 83462362655
Management MSc Lukša Novak, General Manager
Initial Capital 51.138.000,00 EUR
Opening Hours 06.00 - 22.00 local time
Split Airport will be open out of stated working hours only with previous consent of Split Airport. Consent can be obtained upon request submitted with flight announcement, by SITA, to SPUAPXH, until 21.00 h of that day.
Reference Time Summer UTC + 2
Winter UTC + 1
Identification Code SPU
ICAO Airport Classification 4E
Approved Traffic Type IFR / VFR
Altitude 24m (79ft)
Reference Temperature 29°C (July)
Magnetic Declination 1° E ( 1990)
Nearest Cities Split – 20 km
Trogir – 6 km

vision and mission history

SPLIT AIRPORT ltd. • Cesta dr. Franje Tuđmana 1270 • 21217 Kaštel Štafilić • CROATIA • Tel: ++385 (0)21 203 589